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meditation for better skin

Does Meditation Improve Skin Condition?

Absolutely yes. If we could list the Top Three aging factors nowadays, stress is one of them, followed by sunlight and pollution. All these three elements spark free-radicals breaking the cells, causing aging signs (wrinkles, fine lines) and breakouts (pimples and acne).

When we nail down the stress theme, we can correlate stress to hormone unbalance, which directly leads to breakouts.

As a meditation fan, due to the magic benefits that are blessed in my life, I feel obligated to share everything possible. And when you meditate, it’s easy to relate to other people who meditate and understand how are the feelings and benefits we all have. Even though everybody has a different background and life story, meditation, brings quite the same benefits to each one of us.

The common denominator, if you will, is being a better person, able to have a spiritual life in a human body.

Meditation for sure is not the only action you can take that will make you get rid of your skin diseases or skin issues. It’s the same to say that one cream or serum will solve your skin condition.

Can I say then that Meditation Reduces Acne?

Yes, this is true. Meditation helps directly control our levels of stress, which is one of the main factors of unbalancing hormone levels in our body. If we want to understand this better, let’s see from this angle:

Hormones they control the activity of the organs, synthesizing food to transform into energy to the body (metabolism), is one example — sexual hormones, which make specific organs to generate sperm, egg cells.

And it is the same thing with our skin, the largest organ in our body. For the skin to keep the attributes and characteristics of healthy skin, hormones have to be in balance to guarantee that collagen is being produced, as well as elastin and that the cells are being wholly renewed every 27 days.

During all this incredible process, oil, sebum is continuously being released to the skin as a natural moisturizer, and with the support of hormones, enzymes as well are present, which protect our skin against bacterias.

When the hormones are unbalanced, the pH – level of acidity or alkaline (check the pH article here). The skin turns into an excessive oily or dry leading into pimples, acne or other skin issue related to breakout.

Benefits of Meditation Explained in Details

  • Stress Reduction – People who start to meditate, think that after one day or a few days, the skin, the stress, and life is transformed. It’s not quite like that. But after 10 or 20 minutes of meditation, the peaceful feeling and wellbeing are noticed, though. The real impact is when you realize the reactions you have on a daily basis.

Let me give you an example: Imagine driving a car, and someone cuts you through traffic, making you honk and be upset. For many, this is like a volcano explosion inside of the body. When this happens, adrenaline and cortisol (both hormones) are so intense that unbalances the whole system. For those practicing meditation in the long-term. This situation looks like smooth motion, peace mode is on, and nothing changes… Can you feel the difference? ;-) If not, don’t worry, you can feel that too. I encourage you to try meditation.

  • Better Sleep – Another benefit of meditation is sleeping better. And this is another direct influencer in hormones, once the balance and recharge happen while we are sleeping. But we have to be in a certain level of sleep mode (deep level of sleep) for a certain period of time for the hormone balance to happen.

If the body can’t relax enough to reach deeper stages of sleep, hormones don’t get balanced

If we have an agitated night of sleep, being interrupted, insomnia, usually caused by stress. Our body can’t relax enough to reach the deeper levels of sleep, and hormones can’t be balanced.

Look Younger – A study on the International Journal of Neuroscience, revealed the changes in a cellular level in those people who have been practicing meditation regularly. The changes in the cellular level showed an incredible increase of an enzyme called Telomerase, which allows the DNA to repeat its function, over and over again during the cell rejuvenation process.

Think about some people that are always under stressful situations, or jobs that are known to be stressful, have a look in their pictures from 5 years ago. It’s easy to spot those who aged faster than others who decided to take part in a healthy lifestyle that includes meditation.

I know people who look ten, twelve years younger than what they really look. How? Meditation is part of the equation, darling…

How To Meditate?

There are many ways and styles to meditate. The fact that you put yourself in a quiet place, sit or laying down facing up, paying attention to your breathing is a kind of meditation. There is no better meditation than the other. The best one is the one that works for you. That makes you feel revigorated in a state of grace, relaxed after the practice.

You can put some relaxed songs to play either on the background or headphones on and for an upgrade on the experience, scented candles, incenses.

For those who have no idea, how this could work or want to have a try, but not sure if performing right, don’t worry, just sit back close your eyes and relax for five minutes. Either paying attention to the music or your breathing. If the thoughts go far, bring it back, no worries as well.

There are guided meditations for free on the web, that can be good guidance and induction to meditation. Let your intuition guide you.

Started Meditation For The Skin and Stayed For Better Life

It’s not rare to see people who started meditating for the sake of having better skin and ended up so in love with the benefits in general that nowadays are hooked entirely into the vibe.

Some of them turned into instructors, experts, devotional students because had their lives completely transformed for the better. And this an actual reality and available to everybody. Every day, there are more and more people starting, trying, restarting, young people, senior people, students, executives, black, white, no distinction. The same way it is available to me it’s possible for you!

Join the movement and let the benefits of meditation surge your life with a healthier life, better mood, and better skin. I’m confident a new world is coming to you. If you tried in the past, come back, if you are already on the path and are experiencing the joy, share with us your experience.


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