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how much sun is too much?

How Much Sun Is Too Much?

The minute you go out during sunlight and not using any kind of protection, it’s a vulnerability. But if you take proper care of your skin, the sun is actually, very healthy.

Yesterday, one friend of mine, Jessica, she called me and said. “You are always saying to use sunscreen no matter what, creating a lot of commotion about it. How bad is the sun for us? I always learned that the sun is good!”

As I always advocate favorable to healthy living, I understand Jessie’s question, and I really have to explain what’s beyond the sun exposure, because she is right. The sun is fantastic for us. Essential for a healthy and for life on earth.

Sun Overexposure Is The Number One Factor For Premature Aging

My excess of care with the sun is that it is the number one factor for aging. The reason behind that is when we are exposed to the UV Rays with no protection drives the development of free radicals on our skin – oxidative stress to the skin cells – leading to skin issues, that are premature aging, skin cancer and sun damage, (stains and dark spots).

On the other hand, a healthy exposure to the sun, between sunrise to 10 AM during summer time and from 4 PM to Sunset are the healthiest hours to absorb the benefits of the sun. Everything after 10 AM to 4 PM is too much sun.

Does The Sun Support To Clear Acne?

Yes, as long as respecting the intervals mentioned above, the sun brings good results for those with acne. And we have people who reported improvement on skin conditions after some sun exposure. This is because the warmth activates the blood circulation – more oxygen, nutrients to the outermost layers of the skin – and also sweat, which naturally contains healthy bacteria (skin’s microbiome)

On the other hand, we have to be mindful on the time exposure anyways. And especially if you are under skin treatments, using retinol and glycolic acid. When we are using acids for acne treatment, we are actually removing dead skin cells and the outermost layer of the sin, so the sun exposure, in this case, is not a good idea.

So you see, that’s why we have to be always remembering that under all circumstances, (rain or shine) going outdoors, during sunlight, means using sunscreen, at least 30SPF.

What Are There Benefits of The Sun For The Skin?

As we read here, the sun brings benefits for the skin, as long as we know how to take healthy advantage of it and here we have more facts:

  • Stronger Bones – When the sun is radiated directly to the skin, and I mean with no protection… (calm down, it’s for 5 minutes only) on hands, arms, belly uncovered, we receive Vitamin-D which is a very important Vitamin to build stronger bones. – Disclaimer – Never expose your face with no protection to the sun, if you are treating your skin with acids (Glycolic, Retinol, etc.).
  • Better Mental Health – Sunlight triggers the brain to release serotonin. It’s the hormone responsible for keeping us happy, feeling the joy. It’s is scientifically proven that people living in sunny places are happier. The time when the sunlight exposure is low, like winter, is when the levels of serotonin in our body are low.
  • Prevents Cancer – Yeah, you read it right. Sun in healthy doses, can really help to avoid some issues – like prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, lymphoma. Incredible right!? Check it out more here if you are more interested in scientific facts about skin diseases.
  • Healer for Skin Issues – When suffering from eczema, psoriasis, and acne the sun directly to the skin (healthy dosage in minutes) stimulates the skin to produce some healthy bacterias (skin’s microbiome) that help to fight these skin issues.

Why Is The Sun Considered an Enemy For The Skin?

Besides the fact that the sun is the number one premature aging factor, there are other consequences to the overexposure to sunlight. One of them is the dryness of the skin. Drought to the skin forces the production of sebum. That combination of flaky skin and excess of sebum leads to clogged pores which leads to breakouts.

If the skin is already populated with acne, the overexposure to the sun can cause even more acne and the ones that hurt the face.

The other issue associated with sun exposure and not healthy for the skin is using the wrong sunscreen. There are some sunscreens, especially the ones more oily, that surge an oily skin with more… Prefer the lightweight, not greasy ones. Always 30SPF minimum, please.

Acne Treatment and Sun Exposure,

As part of our commitment to keep everybody well informed, it’s important to mention some acne treatments, that can be risky to sun exposure. One of them is Accutane, which is an aggressive oral acne medication, responsible for sunburn in minutes after being exposed.

Other treatments containing benzoyl peroxide, which triggers the skin not to produce sebum – a natural barrier to the skin – increasing cell growth and exfoliation, creating a vulnerability to UV rays, severely damaging the skin.

The best thing to is to give a break, during the period of treatment, using a sunblock, hat and of course be out of the sun, (directly) on the face as much as you can, or in the healthiest hours as you can.

The sun is a big friend of life inviting us every day to enjoy life

By now we know that the sun could be our best friend if we know how to enjoy it. It’s a proven fact that without sun, there’s no life, no joy, no fun.

From helping plants to grow, allowing them to produce oxygen – photosynthesis – to helping us humans to overcome S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) there’s no doubt that is worth and wise to use the healthy hours to enjoy the sun and be happy and UFlawless.

As we are talking about the sun, there’s one quote from Victor Hugo, which is amazing…

“Even the darkest nights will end and the sun will rise”.

Enjoy life!

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