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Deeper Understanding of the skin and its functions

A Deeper Understanding of The Skin and Its Functions

Some of you may know already that the skin is the largest organ we have in our body.

Yes, an organ, like the lungs, liver, and heart. It is composed of cells, meaning that it has specific functions and it is a unit of life. It requires some source of energy to keep alive and “working.”

The skin is a membrane that protects our body (internal organs) from external elements, like germs and bacterias.

Besides the fact that everybody has the same skin structure, individually, one of the things that make us unique is that could have different colors from extremely white to brown skin.

Melanocytes are special cells creating this pigmentation called melanin.

The darker the skin, more presence of melanin. That means in the Anti-Aging world that it ages better.

But before you have a panic attack, let’s make a reality check. There are two types of aging:

1) Photoaging – The one which is based on the color of your skin and the darker the skin, fewer UV Rays it absorbs. It is less than 20%, while the white skin can absorb more than 50%. Can you understand now why Sunscreen is super essential? 

2) Chronological Aging  – It is the aging that we are all going through, poor, rich, black, white, happy or unhappy. It is happening right now.

That’s the reason why many of us are looking for solutions to slow that process down. And believe it or not, it is possible. You can read some tips here.

But lets, for now, keep moving on going a little deeper now.

The seven (7) layers of skin

We have learned in school if you remember, that we had three (3) layers on the skin structure as seen in the scheme cut picture.

But actually, as the primary purpose is to go deeper, and how it relates to the Aging Process, we are going to describe the seven (7) layers. 

1) Stratum Corneum – This is the outermost of the outermost part of the skin. It’s visible, but sometimes we are only able to “see” it by actually feeling it. “Feel” it because when you exfoliate your face, it feels smoother and soft right? This layer is composed of dead cells and believe it or not, very useful in our body system, as they work as a shield from bacteria, keeping the moisture in. That is why all dermatologists and skin experts recommend GOOD cleansing (daily) exfoliants (regularly). That is a GOOD way to remove the dead cells not compromising the natural defenses of the skin.

2) Epidermis – The second layer, also very important, you can also see it in the mirror, and the curious thing about this layer is that is composed of very active cells called keratinocytes (keratin-producer). As we age, we produce less of these cells so that it will be getting thinner and with that more sensibility to light and in many cases, starting on our forties, (40’s) some issues with pigmentation, called age spots. So here is another reason why we can always prevent at the earliest age possible to slow down the aging process.

3) Dermal-Epidermal Junction – This layer is basically collagen. It is like a “sandwich” between the Epidermis and Dermis (next layer). When we say collagen, we keep our eyes and ears very open as we know it is critical right? And you know why? Because this is the layer where the wrinkles are “born.” This is the layer that we need excellent products to reach that level and do the job, making the skin responsive in developing more collagen and getting firmer. Antioxidants and Vitamins in pure forms get easily in this layer.

4) Dermis – This is the first layer that we can not see in the mirror. It is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. It is filled with micro-vessels, nerves and the hair. As we said that is responsible for the flexibility, it is composed by elastin. That’s the reason why we read about it a lot. We all want to have the plump sin, so we want this layer to be nourished and cared with the best. The Dermis is different in each part of the body, and when looking closely to the face, which is mostly more exposed to the external elements, they suffer more with dryness, bacteria, allergic reactions that could drive to the dull appearance and under-eye bags. We (I mean our skin) requires Vitamin-C as an important collagen synthesizer to act immediately in the Dermis.

5) Hypodermis – Softness is the primary attribute we can give to this layer. Composed of fat cells and it works as a “pillow,” so it is like a “filler” of the layers. It is the deepest layer of the skin and as the deepest, not all skincare products can act in here. If you really want to address results in this layer, it’s not with OTC (Over The Counter Products) that you are going to reach this level. You need concentration, purity, quality and most importantly, safe to use.

6) Muscle – Wait, Is That a Skin? Calm down, before you stop reading and close the window page… We are talking about everything that involves Agin and Anti-Aging, so the movement of your face maks happens thanks to muscles. And here is how we have facial expressions. How concern we turned into facial expressions after the 40’s? A lot right? And that’s why at this age we start with some “temporary muscle paralyzers” as the solution for that. But as like every muscle, if you believe in natural ways, there are some facial exercises you can go through.

7) Bones – Bones Sustain muscles, and they have to be strong to be able to support the whole structure we are talking about (skin and muscles). Working out is one of the best ways to strengthen the bones because the muscles used in the workouts, push the bones to hold it tight, so everything works in perfect harmony. You can also talk to your physician in regards to some Vitamin-D and Calcium supplements to keep up everything available for a healthy body.

And this is how I would like to wrap up this post. Prevention is one of the key things we all should be aware of. And the earlier we start, the best results we enjoy in our entire life. It doesn’t work only for the skin matters. It works for our life in general.

So reminding the basics of a healthy life:

– Drink plenty of water – Eight to twelve (8-12) glasses of water a day – In one week, I promise, you will feel the difference in energy and your skin plumped.

– Sleep earlier and better – Get 7-8 hours of sleep. – Don’t you have time? Prepare to sleep – so you can reach deeper levels of sleep earlier. Deeper levels of sleep mean you will feel more refreshed.

– Workout every day – even if it is 15 minute walking – Ideally go for a 30-minute walk – If you can go for 1 hour that’s the best. But every day to start pumping your blood and muscles. Do not forget to work out your Face Muscles!! They need to be stimulated! 

– Meditate – at least for 10 minutes the closest you get to 30 minutes, the better. Start breathing long and deep. There’s one breathing exercise I love, which is breath – 4 count – hold – 4 count – release – 4 count – hold 4 counts…. for  ten (10) times. It makes you feel peaceful and calm. It helps manages the stresses of life. Use positive affirmations — the ones you feel more confident to use. 

Enjoy the healthy skin with a healthy life with the skincare that makes UFlawless!!

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