Understand What Are Blackheads Before Removing Them
Ask ten (10) people randomly, men or women, how many times they felt tempted to squeeze blackheads on the face and I guarantee that all of them will say that not only felt tempted but also “executed” the action. Understand what are blackheads before removing them…
I don’t blame you at all, I did the same, but in a feeling of immediate regret, as I knew that I was postponing something worse to happen.
The truth of the matter is that when you self-extract the blackheads, you are turning the pores more vulnerable to infection.
Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are very tiny bumps that can be found on the skin, that are formed inside a clogged hair follicle usually happening of the face but is also very common to see them on the back, chest, arms, shoulders, and neck.
Blackheads: What Are They & How To Remove Them
If you know even a little about skincare, then you’re probably familiar with the term “blackhead”. It would be difficult to find someone who hasn’t dealt with blackheads in the past. It’s a mild form of acne that can typically be found around the nose, cheeks, forehead, chest, and back. Don’t let the term “mild” fool you. Blackheads are still tricky to deal with.
So, how do you get rid of them? If you thought popping them like a whitehead was the solution, it’s not. Trying to forcibly remove blackheads will result in irritation of the skin which can result in broken capillaries if frequently done.
All hope is not lost, however. With medical-grade skincare solutions from UFlawless, blackheads don’t stand a chance.

What are Blackheads?
The scientific description of a blackhead is an open comedo found on your body. You may have heard this same description for a whitehead and that’s because, in this sense, they are the same. The difference is that blackheads don’t have skin covering the hair follicle.
Blackheads form when there is an excess buildup of sebum and dead skin cells that plug in our hair follicles, also known as pores. This blockage is seen as a tiny, dark bump on the surface of the skin. It turns brown or black due to the melanin found in our sebum oxidizing from the air.
There are Blackheads, Whiteheads and Sebaceous Filament
You could be questioning by now that there are different types of blackheads, which look quite the same but they have some relevant differences essential to know.
- Blackheads and Whiteheads are pretty much the same things, they are formed the same way – clogged pores with sebum – but the difference is that the blackheads are open, and this is why they are turned into dark — they oxide in contact with the air.
- Whiteheads differently they have a thin skin layer, which “protect” them for being in contact with the air.
- Sebaceous Filament – Are usually whiter, thinner and evenly distributed in one area. Apart from the blackheads that happen more sporadic as isolated lesions.
Different Causes of Blackheads
There is no isolated cause for Blackheads. Many studies around the world have shown that the most common causes are related to three (3) main groups: Lifestyle, Genetics, and Hormones.
- Lifestyle – The life we live affects directly how we interact with the environment people and how we deal with the everyday challenges. This also reveals your healthy habits which contribute to having flawless skin. Let’s share some information regarding Stress and Diet
- Stress – Researches found in studies that there was a direct relation between high level of stress and incidence of acne, blackheads. The main reason is when we are under pressure we produce more cortisol and androgens which stimulates the body to produce more oil.
- Diet – Though we heard from a long time ago that chocolate, junk food, and chips are responsible for many diseases, there is no direct proof showing that they cause blackheads. But one thing is known for sure. Healthy eating is right for your skin and for your lifestyle. I am a living proof that you can improve your skin eating clean.
- Genetics – The chances are higher than 50% if one of your parents have oily skin that you might have too. Oily skin means more oil production in the hair follicle, which we have seen here previously that the chances of a clogged pore are higher. That shows the importance of a proper cleansing of your face. Good cleansing means using good products.
Teenage years are the most critical stages for the skin due to hormonal changes
- Hormones – Ok, We stepped on one of the most common blackheads responsible. Hormones. And it is easy to get to this conclusion. Pay attention in our phases on life known to be critical influencers in hormones. Teenage Years, Pregnancy, Period/Menstruation, All of these stages have one thing in common besides the hormonal part. More sebum production.
- Teenage Years – This phase of life is the worse because everything is new, never happened before. Lack of knowledge of what to do and sometimes desperation. It is the discovery of how concern you are in regards to your appearance. Usually, in this phase, you start to squeeze every single bump without any “technique” which many times could turn into scars lasting for life.
- Period/Menstruation – Peaks of progesterone, days before the period, stimulates sebum production. The days can vary from women to women. From three to seven (3-7) days before the period and lasts until the menstruation starts when the progesterone levels get back to normal levels.
- Pregnancy – Usually happening six (6) weeks after pregnancy, many women reported that the blackheads and acne increased during this time. As it occurs before the menstruation with peaks of hormones, there is something else that influences: Retention of fluids and with that, toxins manifesting pimples and blackheads.
Another influence on the hormones are birth control pills
If you recently have started taking birth control pills and detected a surge of blackheads and pimples, it could be a good time to check with your doctor if the formulation is an androgen-based progestin.
Causes of Blackheads in a Nutshell?
Blackheads are caused by a pore-clogging combination of sebum and dead skin cells, but there are a few other things that can increase the chance of a blackhead sprouting. Such factors as pregnancy, stress and humidity can add to the chances of blackheads forming.
Certain experiences that spike hormones, such as pregnancy and puberty, can have a direct effect on sebum production. The sex hormones are responsible for stimulating the sebaceous glands, found in the hair follicles, to produce more sebum. An influx of sebum results in a higher chance of hair follicles becoming clogged and forming a blackhead.
What About Trying To Hide Blackheads With Your Hair?
If you have heard that this is not a good idea, it is absolutely correct. For one simple reason: As we have seen, blackheads are open comedones that in touch with the air, oxides and turn into black.
The bacteria (P.Acnes) in contact with the hair, spreading it where the hair touches your face. So lift the hair up as much as you can, especially when working out.
How Blackheads are Removed
It’s not something that you can eliminate forever, once the oil production of your face happens endlessly through life. BUT you can prevent them to happen adopting some cleansing habits.
Cleansing is a significant step on a skincare routine. As seen here the production of sebum on clogged pores are the percussionists of blackheads.

The oil produced in the skin it’s not a bad thing. It is a natural protection of your skin to maintain the moist which helps hydrate the skin.
Cleansing not necessarily means you are taking the oil from your skin totally.
You are helping the pores to be “free” breathing and also fresh to produce more of this natural protection. The importance of using a good gentle natural cleanser is essential for an effective blackhead prevention.
You can also count on Salicylic Acid and Retinol to Treat Blackheads
They are broadly used nowadays to prevent and dissolve blackheads along the weeks you are using it. But remember to find a good one! With Cutting-Edge Actives and Natural Ingredients
Safest Steps for Popping Blackheads
The best thing you can do it is to keep away from trying to squeeze them. But as seen at the beginning of this post, everybody felt tempted to pop them out and did already.
We are not suggesting you squeeze the blackheads yourself. On the contrary, as it could bring more inflammation to your vulnerable open pores.
If you are planning to pass through that, the best thing to do is to take it seriously and follow some steps:
1) Wash your hands with soap.
2) Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water to help lose the skin and open the pores.
3) Wrap your fingers in cotton, tissue or cloth. Place gentle pressure on either side of the blackhead. Try to get down underneath the blackhead and push up carefully.
4) The pressure should be like in massaging motion. If the pressure you are applying is drawing blood or finger marks on your skin, this is not a good sign and you should stop imediatelly.
5) Use a toner or astringent on all the areas that you’ve extracted.
6) Cleanse your face again with the gentle natural cleanser to eliminate any trace of bacteria from the “operation” you just made.
The best sequence of products to remove blackheads
The only true way to deal with blackheads is with a skincare routine that was designed for it. The medical-grade X6 Acne Routine from UFlawless is the perfect example of a routine that can remove blackheads.
Salicylic Acid Cleanser: X9 Advanced Exfoliating Cleanser
The first step to clearing blackheads is with a salicylic acid cleanser. The X9 Advanced Exfoliating Cleanser is the perfect solution. This cleanser is created with an oil-soluble beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that penetrates deep into pores and dissolves sebum. It also exfoliates the epidermis by shedding dead skin cells.
This medical-grade cleanser is also perfect for all pimples, not just blackheads. The acid is an anti-inflammatory that helps bring down redness around acne lesions such as papules, pustules, and cysts.
Exfoliation: X3 Refining Glycolic Pads
The next step to defeating blackheads is with the X3 Refining Glycolic Pads from UFlawless. These pads help absorb different actives into the skin. They are made from a 10% medical-grade glycolic acid that further removes dead skin cells and prevents further breakouts from occurring. The exfoliating properties also help bring youthful, clean skin forward.
Treatment: X6 Match Mattifying Serum
The final step is to treat your skin using matcha found in green tea extract. This is a safe product for your skin that can reduce oil production from the skin by up to 70%
Get Rid of Blackheads Today!
It’s time to end the battle against blackheads today. With our medical-grade X6 acne routine, you’ll notice better and brighter skin in as little as a week.
Last but not least… Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
That means you can use the entire bottles for 30 days and if you’re not satisfied with the results, your money back is 100% guaranteed!
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Product on saleX6 Matcha Mattifying Serum | Skin Care Serum |Original price was: $81.00.$71.00Current price is: $71.00.
X9 Advanced Exfoliating Cleanser | Skincare |$37.00
X3 Refining Glycolic Gel | Exfoliating Gel Low pH$61.00