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Valuable Tips For Taking Care Of Tattooed Skin

Having a Tattooed Skin is not a complicated process nowadays but requires some understanding.

Knowing some basics will give you the peace of mind to have a beautiful piece of art on your skin and also a harmonious and healthy place for the tattoo and the skin to be exposed and protected.

My friend Sabrina called me today because in one of her New Year’s Resolution there’s a tattoo in there.

So she asked if I had some thoughts about it. I said, yes, get it done now, during winter, so the tattoo could be more than ready to be exposed during spring and summer.

Every year, more and more people decide to get ink on the skin, and in the US, the numbers show that 1 in 5 people have at least one tattoo.

And as the numbers grow, the skin issues in concern tattoos as well, so this is the reason why it is essential to share the same information I shared with my friend Sabrina.

From the Basics – What is a Tattoo?

Tattoos in recent years became not only permanent signs or marks on the skin but a piece of body art.

It is a process of injecting ink mechanically through tiny needles into the second layer of the skin (dermis).

As this process creates a wound, there are some cautions to be followed and depending on where you live some regulations which are very important to be aware.

Pay Attention to Regulations For Tattoos

First and foremost practically all the states in the US have their regulations – to check updated information, click here – The regulations go from minors under no circumstance having tattoos to minors with parental authorization to no restrictions.

Providing sanitary guidance and healthy instructions for those who decided to get a tattoo is a crucial part of the process before deciding on where and who to go.

Even though the modern life made the technology in getting an in on the skin, sophisticated, it’s is considered an invasive (shallow) procedure, it’s not rare to see blood.

So the artist should be a licensed professional and aware of the precautions and aftercare against infections and other complications.

The increased rates of Hepatitis-C due to to the increased number of people getting tattoos and getting them not in licensed places is a serious national concern. So please take it seriously.

What to Consider Before Getting a Tattoo?

  • When checking the right place and right artist to get the tattoo, do not check only online. Go visit the site. It should look clean, organized like a good dentist or a good doctor’s place. Pay attention to the senses, curiously, check if the area smells fresh and clean. That’s always a good sign.
  • Talk to the artist, check previous tattooed skin works he or she performed in the past. Ask about the licensed to be a professional of inking. Usually, they are exposed in a visible spot. If not. Just ask. Don’t take risks. When is a real licensed artist, they know have passed through safety courses, how to deal with hepatitis, HIV and other blood pathogens.
  • Even though tattooed skin reactions are rare, it’s important to know if there’s an allergic reaction to hair dye. If they occur, most of the time it happens with colored inks. To know if the skin is sensitive or prone to develop a reaction, recall if any reaction to fragrance, jewelry ever occurred.
  • If decided to get words, phrases, double check the spelling, so the tattoo is not compromised. Ahh, another thing to consider, especially when doing tattoos in other languages, like signs in Chinese, Japanese or other sign based word. Double check the meanings as well. It’s not required for the artist to know all the signs and languages…. He or she is an artist, not an interpreter.

Tattooed Skin Done and Tattoo Aftercare

  • This step is as important as having a tattoo. To guarantee that the fresh ink dries well it takes a couple of days. It’s very common, to the skin to peel. Don’t pick the scabs. Could be irresistible to many… Hang tough… It will take about two full weeks for the skin and ink heal completely, and during this period it’s important to keep the skin clean and moisturized.
  • During this period of two weeks, it’s important to stay away from water. when having a shower use seal plastic food wrap to protect the skin, but also ask the professional what is the recommendation. No baths, no swimming pool, no beach at all!! When in the shower, (after 24 hours of getting the tattoo) no scrub, softly pat dry with a soft cloth and use an antibacterial cream.
  • It’s imperative to clean the tattooed area at least three times a day. Performing the cleaning as we mentioned, pat drying is the best way to keep the wound cleaned and disinfected. This will make the healing process more efficient.
  • No sun under no circumstance during the healing process, (two weeks) that’s why winter is a season for getting a tattoo.
  • After that for the rest of your life, it’s highly recommended to use a thick layer of sunscreen everytime exposed to the sun. If not the colors and ink starts to fade over time, keep the skin always moisturized.

What is the Best Tattoo Lotion to Use

As probably you know that we are not here to push any skincare products to you. We are here to help you with information enough so you can take the best decision.

Water-based moisturizers are best for tattoo areas, especially when they are new (after the healing process of two weeks).

Petroleum-based are not suitable for skin, in any situation though, specially inked skin. That can lead the ink to fade.

Cutting-edge actives and natural ingredients are always the best alternatives for you.

If anything doesn’t look right, on your tattooed skin, please check your dermatologist so he or she could help you diagnose what is going on and recommend the right alternative for you.

Be safe, drink plenty of water to keep the skin always plump and radiant and enjoy life!

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