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Flight Attendant Skincare Tips

Smiling, Glowing and Radiant Skin in Rough Conditions… What to Learn from Flight Attendants

How to deal with rough conditions and still enjoy radiant skin? If we can feel the effects of spending some of the hours inside of an airplane, where the dry air reaches ratios of less than 20%, even rougher than the Sahara desert, in our skin, nose, lips, imagine how it is for all the flight attendants, to manage all of that.

I talked to a very close friend of mine, who has been traveling around the world for the last 12 years, as a flight attendant and I asked her to share he tips with us on what does she do to carry everything on a bag, look pretty, have beautiful skin even in rough conditions and still smiling!

Kayla told us that she is still learning ways to be more effective and she said that skin technology is evolving every year. On the other hand, she said that there’s a lot of skincare products that are nothing but smell and petroleum-based creams to pretend that something is “acting.”

The real deal happens in the long run. Good products are tested on rough conditions”. Quite the same as saying that rough sea conditions make the best sailors…

Hydrate is the #1 Tip Ever for Healthy Skin

When in a long trip the airplane cabin gets into less than 20% humidity very quickly, which is less than half, many times, when compared to the comfortable zone ratios for us – 40% to 70%.

Water is the secret number one, no questions asked. Her amount is eight to twelve (8-12) glasses a day that keeps the skin and body in healthy conditions to keep the smile and work up and running.

Parallel to that is moisturizing from head to toe as much as possible. “I’m standing up, walking, sitting, serving, so I have very handy a hand cream and a good moisturizer in my purse for face and lips.

Healthy Eating for Healthy Skin

As flight attendants are always on the go, she learned quickly how to pick the best quick bites to keep healthy skin and became an expert in reading labels for some of the products such as natural yogurts, oatmeals, protein bars, and chocolate. Kyla says It is important to look at sodium rates 3% to 5% max on the daily value for an adult is healthy.

Salt retains water, which is not good when you are in very dry conditions.

Delicious and healthy on-the-go snacks are fruits, such as apple, pears, bananas, berries, almonds (no salt), and dark chocolate are her favorites as they are a combination of water, carbs, proteins, antioxidants, and fiber — good options to keep the skin glowing and plumping.

Cleansing to Swap Away Oily Foreheads, Chins, Cheeks, and Nose

When we are in extremely dry conditions, the body naturally produces more oil as a protection mechanism to keep the skin moist, especially T-Zone. The issue is the extra components, like pollution, makeup and the fine dust in the airplane cabin could turn into a nightmare, Kyla says.

Even the dryer skin, produces oil under the first layer of the skin, creating an environment that is prone-acne. That’s the reason many women complain about breakouts after taking long flights.

“A Natural Gentle Cleanser is a must on my toiletry bag. I cleanse in the morning and before bed, so I need a good cleanser, which can be used frequently, which can keep my skin moist enough for extremely dry conditions”.

Exfoliation on the Go

“I can’t carry my bathroom skincare cabinet with me, so I learned how to adapt my skincare routine with my daily items. Sugar packets, bottled water, lemon, honey packets, coffee grounds, olive oil” she named the top of her mind items.

She uses all these items to exfoliate her face and body, at least 2 times a week. It’s a way she found to be able to get rid of dull skin, that can happen due to dry air and high altitude (less oxygen).

Kyla, it’s the perfect example that there’s no excuse to take care of yourself and look great!

Other secret tips from Flight Attendants to Keep The Skin Up and Glowing

No matter how many hours you are going to spend on a flight, it is a great thing to use an excellent natural stem cell serum before take off. It’s an opportunity to treat your face while working or chilling during flight. As soon as the doors close, a good moisturizer will seal with extra protection and avoid your skin to be damaged by the dry air that is about to start.

For the lips, Kayla always carries on her pocket a bee wax chapstick to hold the moisture of the lips. But from the start, as flight attendants should still be with makeup, she suggests a lip gloss. It brings life immediately to your face and moisturizing big time the lips, she completes.

Another trick Kayla shared with us, is the use of a travel-friendly hand cream, which fits everywhere and in a last-minute hydration recovery, she rubs her hands and the excess, she uses in her neck and hair! Isn’t it awesome? She also explains that with the dry environment on the airplane, it’s easy to get static, so the hand cream works perfectly in those circumstances.

Doing it over and over again the Three (3) Steps Skincare Routine

Kayla says that it looks like a lot of work (keeping the skin up and glowing), but during the years, you realize that the momentum gets so intense, that now it is a no-brainer for her. Cleansing, Treating and Moisturizing turned into effortless, thanks to discipline and routine.

“Our daily routine is so intense, and we love to have a life, so as soon as I get home, I want to relax, Kayla shares, and a couple of days off justs flyes! We have limited space in our bags, so every little real estate in the bag it has to be optimized. That’s why I use UFlawless. I can trust, and I know that in 3 simple steps, with three main products, I can take care of my skin”.

*Kayla and I met in Miami International Airport – for lunch and while we were paying the bill, she applied the X3 Revitalizing Stem-Cells Serum, which is a powerful Anti-Aging Serum, getting ready for a flight to Paris. Bon Voyage Kayla!

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