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what is dermaplaning?

What Is Dermaplaning? Learn What’s Behind This Trending Skincare Procedure

Dermaplaning is a trending skin care procedure, which a skin care specialist uses a surgical blade to remove the outermost layer of your skin.

The process consists in stroking a specific angle of the razor, in movements, like shaving, that allows removing dead cells of the skin.

Top Celebrities always have been known to have glowing, beautiful, skin. And since a handful of celebrities started mentioning about Dermaplaning.

There was a lot of buzz all around trying to figure it out what was that “new thing” that also promises miracles on your skin. Let’s Have a better understanding of Dermaplaning, also called Microplaning or Blading.

If you are used to doing exfoliating routines and want to avoid the chemicals, this is undoubtedly an excellent way to go as it can cause less irritation to your skin. It is something you don’t do every week. Usually, patients are recommended to wait at least three (3) weeks of an interval to benefit from Dermaplaning.

The Benefits Shared From People Who Tried Dermaplaning On a Regular Basis:

  • Removal of fine “peach fuzz” (facial hair)
  • Better penetration of upcoming skin care products
  • Vivid, radiant complexion
  • Acne-scar lessening
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Helps remove damages created by sun exposure.

Pretty much the same benefits from those who are used to exfoliation, except for the “peach fuzz” removal and it is an excellent alternative for patients with very sensitive skin, unwanted facial hair and rosacea.

How Often Should I Do Dermaplaning?

Dermatologists recommend Dermaplaning, after three to four (3-4) weeks, once you decided to go through the routine.

The skin needs that time; otherwise, it won’t have any effect, and you will damage your skin. Remembering that the skin naturally renews itself every twenty-seven (27) days, according to Dermatologists.

Dermaplaning is not a lengthy procedure; it will take around forty-five minutes for each session.

It could take longer if you are combining the treatment with some other treatments, like a deep moisturizing or applying any other products. You will reach and see the actual max benefits after each session after 3-4 days.

How Much Does Dermaplaning Cost?

We found out that each session can cost as low as $75 to $300. It will depend on the size of the treated area, as well as skin care products you will be used according to your skin goals.

It is useful to mention not to expect to spend less than $1,000 on Dermaplaning as you need sessions to make things work on you.

Like any other skincare regimen, you do not get all the benefits from only one session. You may need at least three to six dermaplaning sessions to start seeing benefits.

Then decide for how long you want to keep doing and if your skin responded the way you expected. 

Dermaplaning Vs. Shaving – Is There Any Difference?

Though both are made with blades and especially if your main goal is removing facial hair, you may think that it is the same thing. Actually, it is not.

Shaving can exfoliate the skin, but indeed not as deep as dermaplaning. Both require care to operate the razors because you can cause damage to your skin and leaving scars from infections if not well treated.

You may be thinking now that your facial hair may grow thicker from Dermaplaning. If that is your question don’t worry, this is a myth.

There is no scientific data proving that shaving or dermaplaning can thick your hair. That was a story created probably because your grandma heard it from her grandma and that became a colossal myth. If you think it does, it’s your mind tricking you.

Can I Use a Dermaplaning Tool By Myself?

I know you might be thinking that if it is quite the same as shaving, why can’t I do it myself, right? If I were you, I wouldn’t take the risk.

Dermaplaning you are removing a deeper layer of your skin, which is different from shaving, so let the experts take care of you.

Your face is the presentation to the world, you may regret and many times damages could be irreversible.

You can find many brands selling dermaplaning tools in the marketplace, and that could encourage many people to DIY, it’s a DIY world after all!

Yes, you can try to do it but let’s be clear: How many times have you done that in your life compared to experts? Have you at least tried going to the sessions so you can have a brief idea of how it’s done?

Besides the Myth that Dermaplaning Could Darker Your Facial Hair, What are other myths?

Thicker your hair? That’s quite the same thing we mentioned previously. Your “peach fuzzy” won’t grow thicker after dermaplaning for the same reasons it won’t get darker.

It is more hormonal related than just shaving the hair. Why do you think men develop facial hair, in this case, beard? How does it grow, darker and thicker? The hormone is the answer.

Men as the teenage years go by, have more testosterone, then naturally the facial hair turns into beard. Got it?!

Dermaplaning Is Not For Darker Skin

Another myth. This is reasonable and causes misunderstanding, as people with darker skin do not exfoliate with scrubs to avoid hyperpigmentation. But because scrubs are not used in dermaplaning, only blades, it’s on the contrary; dermaplaning is safely used to make your skin looking great with no risk for hyperpigmentation.

Are there situations whic is Not Recommended.

Yes. If you have acne or breakouts definitely dermaplaning is not for you. If it is more like a hormonal thing, your acne, you should wait a little more before going through a dermaplaning treatment.

Last, but not least, please sunscreen, all the time, every day and always remember for glowing plumping skin.  Eight 8-12 Glasses of Water, every day.  

If you are looking for a boost look during the winter, dermaplaning is another good alternative you can try and but on your list of skin care routines. 

Enjoy the glowing, healthy skin!

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