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Dealing With Back And Chest Acne

Dealing with Back and Chest Acne? You’re Not Alone, We Can Help…

Back and Chest Acne is just as standard, as the acne is the face. The difference is that in the face, breakouts are more in a spotlight.

On the other hand, we can use concealers and foundations to disguise when they are in the face, but on the back, not so much.

We can definitely address the issue better if we know what the causes are and then use ways to prevent them.

The first thing to mention here concerning breakouts is that they are ubiquitous to happen on face, chest, and back. There’s nothing wrong with the areas. In case you are checking acne on other areas besides that, a dermatologist is the best thing to do.

The second thing to put here on the table is that there’s a difference between the skin in the face, from the skin on the chest and back. It’s significant thicker the layers on the back and chest.

With that said, it’s important to acknowledge that the products to use on the back and chest should be “stronger” than the ones for the face. Using a specific product for the back, and chest may cause damage on the face, and using a product for the face, could be too mild for the back.

Lifestyle and Acne

One of the things it’s good to start a conversation like this is that we have to pay attention to our lifestyle. Nowadays, one of the big trends is to stay in shape, eat healthy and clean.

That is a good thing. We really encourage everybody to follow that path. Nothing can replace such a thing than a healthy lifestyle.

The thing is that some people don’t understand even taking care of health, still can have breakouts.

One of the reasons for breakouts is hormone fluctuations. It’s a reality. The other side, which people don’t know, it’s sweat.

Yes, our sweat has enzymes that can cause breakouts, especially if it sits for long periods on the skin. There are cases, depending on the skin, that 30 minutes sitting on the skin is enough to cause itches, irritation, and frequent breakouts.

Think about the process for one minute. Just after the workout, it’s easier to go and throw some water in the face, but on the chest and back, it’s not that easy, if you have decided to take a shower, later at home.

Be aware of pimples on back and during the summer.

During the warmer months, it’s not only on working out that we have to pay attention to the sweat. It’s along the day. So it’s vital to take care, the minute we wake up.

A good shower in the morning or after the workout with a back scrub, loaded with a good cleanser, will do the job for you. Nothing complicated. The same cleanser we use on the face can easily help us to keep it clean.

Depending on the level of intensity of the acne on back and chest, a salicylic acid cleanser, using the soft scrub for the back will definitely help to keep the pores clean and unclogged.

What are the best Ingredients to Fight Acne on Back and Chest?

As mentioned, previously, the skin structure on the back and chest are different from the face, so “stronger” ingredients could be more tolerant.

When I say tolerant, it’s because I’m talking about benzoyl peroxide. A perfect acne fighter, for those who need something “stronger”.

Bear in mind that benzoyl peroxide can dry our skin very quickly, so, it’s something that we would use very carefully. Including clothes, because it can easily stain our clothes.

Benzoyl Peroxide is the kind of ingredient that we would not use when exposed to sunlight.

Keeping the Out Of The Way From Skin It’s a Good Treat To Avoid Acne

Not only for the back but the face as well. Long hair in touch with our skin, could trigger skin issues in people with sensitive skin. People are unaware that many haircare – shampoos and conditioner – can carry artificial fragrances, oils, artificial colors – that in touch with our skin can block the pores, developing breakouts.

Long hair in touch with the back and the difficult access to keep it clean all the time could be one of the factors that are sparking off acne and pimples on your back.

Hydration Skin is King To Avoid Acne

Although many people think that if the skin is oily, meaning moisture enough to avoid dryness of the skin. Not necessarily it work that way.

Our body produces a natural barrier, to moisturize the skin. In excess, of oil production, means that the skin is dehydrated, for a list of reasons.

So it’s imperative to keep the body hydrated and at the same time use a body lotion with specific ingredients to hold water in the skin cells.

One of the best ingredients in body lotions to keep the skin hydrated is Marine Peptides.

When in a highly concentrated level, meaning Medical Grade, this active penetrates in the deep layers of the skin, to keep the skin highly moisturized at the same time boosting collagen and elastin.

What about Protection To The Skin To Avoid Breakouts?

Yes, definitely imperative to use broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis. And when working-out outdoors, every two hours, after swimming or sweating.

Avoid peak sun hours – from 10 AM to 4 PM during the summer and 11 AM to 3 PM during the winter. We encourage the use of hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing.

Keeping the Body Hydrated Is The Way To Go To Avoid Acne on Back and Chest

Water plays an essential role in keeping the body well-hydrated for sure. Eight to twelve glasses a day is recommended by dermatologists and skin experts.

But it’s not the only way to keep hydration high. Water helps the body to eliminate toxins and balance the pH of the skin.

Feel comfortable drinking plenty of water, cleansing the skin properly, and hydrating the skin with body lotions.

Good things are coming your way to keep on glowing!

Have a good one!

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