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Take care of your lips during winter

Complete Guide to Take Care of Your Lips During Winter

We wanted to share this complete guide to take care of your lips during winter. This came today as it is the official first day of winter here in the USA. As everybody knows, we are all facing cold temperatures and with that, our skin suffers the most.

Especially hands and face, as they are more exposed to the gusts of cold, dry air from winter. Lips are the first one to evidence the signs of winter, in this particular case (as the sun is an enemy too) and no one wants to show up in the Christmas Eve and New Years Eve celebrations with cracked lips.

Let’s dive in and understand the Causes of Dry Cracked Lips.

  • As we just mentioned, rough weather – high and low temperatures – immediately dehydrates this very sensitive and thin skin, which has a different cell structure compared to the other parts of the body. The most noticeable is that we do not have sebaceous glands on the lips skin. That means that it doesn’t receive any protection in regards to hydration, besides our own saliva, making it vulnerable to crack.
  • When we breathe through the mouth, we are blowing the air, drying the surface. Not necessarily because of winter, but most of the times we are cold and flu, the nose is blocked, forcing instinctively to through our mouth. To make it worse, we usually, keep licking the lips to hydrate with saliva, which contains digestive enzymes, creating the dryness we all know how it feels.
  • Some opportunist bacterias, fungi and viruses may take advantage of the weak immune system and vulnerability of the lips to sit and cause more damage through infections.
  • Many people are allergic to components on chapstick, lipstick, toothpaste or even some food which also can cause redness, swollen and dryness of lip skin.

How To Take Care of Lips And Keep it Sexy and Pink

  • The first and most important thing to avoid all these issues with lips, even when we can’t control all the situations, such blocked nose, because of a cold, or flu is to carry a good chapstick for moisturizing purposes. Of course, that lipstick can help a lot, but they won’t have all the ingredients dedicated to a deep moisturizing.
  • Hydration and Protection – Water and Sunscreen for the lips during the day and at night, moisturize your lips with a creamy lip balm.
  • As it happens to the skin in our body, that needs to exfoliate, to remove the dead cells and promote skin cell turnover, it is the same thing with the lips, but in this particular case, there are some tips to be aware of:
  • Use finger to gently scrub your lips with some almond oil or coconut oil and a little bit of sugar. Honey is an excellent replacement of sugar as the honey has some small tiny beads that promote soft exfoliation and nourishment. After exfoliating, remember to moisturize.

Home Natural Remedies To Boost Lips Anytime

Everybody has this easy to find at home ingredients. If you still don’t have them, make sure to make it available, it’s not a big deal, so you have all the chances to have all year round sexy pink lips.

  • Olive Oil or Coconut Oil – Nourishes the lips with fatty acids, essential to keep it plump, smooth and thin.
  • Honey – Perfect for exfoliation as it has natural antibacterial properties.
  • Green Tea Bags – After making your Green Tea, let the bag cooldown, and use it to sit on cracked lips, for few minutes. The Green Tea has powerful antioxidants and tannins that soothes and accelerates the healing process of damaged lips.
  • Lemon Juice – When preparing and drinking your next lemon juice, remember to damp your lips with the lemon juice, let it sit for a while and rub your lips in a way you feel the juice penetrating the skin. The compounds on the lemon act as a natural bleacher, exfoliant, and antioxidant for the lips.
  • Sugar – As simple as it seems, sugar is a popular thing to find at any home and use it as a natural exfoliant, scrubbing gently on the lips will help to remove the dead skin cells of the lips.
  • Baking Soda – Same thing as the sugar. The main difference besides the fact that one is sweet and other is salty is the grains on baking soda are way smaller compared to sugar, making it more comfortable to many people.

How to make lips soft?

Believe it or not, but we can perform some workout to the lips, as the whole contour is made of muscles and it sustains all the tissue of this thin surface, with the opportunity to increase blood circulation and strengthen the muscle. Here are some exercises to do, while watching TV or any other time you feel it’s the right time.

I would suggest doing it privately, so people, especially strangers may look at you and ask if any help is needed! :-) That’s the fun part on it as well!

1) Open the mouth as stretching the lips, then close it simulating a kiss, move the lips towards the nose and the last move the lips to the left and to the right. Do it for ten times.

2) Inflate your mouth with air as you are performing a mouthwash and play with the air inside of your mouth to all directions.

3) Rub your lips with some coconut oil, so you can perform some workout while you exfoliate. Rud to the sides, to the left and to the right.

How to make lips bigger?

For those looking for ways to make your lips bigger, there are some tips you can do without going to the needles or surgery.

First and foremost the secret for plumping lips is keeping it healthy, which drives to using all the steps described above, like hydrating, sunscreen, moisturizing, exfoliating and working out the mouth and lips muscles.

The other ways to work that out is to use some makeup on your lips contour. For that, you will need some a pencil or tiny brush for the lip contour and with a liner that matches your skin tone or one shade darker.

Stretches, Massages and Big Smiles Could Help Your Lips Bigger

According to professional makeup artists, to make it easier to find your lip line, perform some smile, stretch your mouth and with a gentle touch of your fingers to your mouth, rub your lips.

There are many other tricks you can find out on the internet, including some videos that can resonate with you!

Have a good one everybody! Talk to you soon!

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