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Age mismatch between face & chest...Find out the best solution for you.

Age Mismatch Between Face & Chest. Find out the best treatment for you.

There’s a certain age sooner or later we all gonna do: If I am aging gracefully, Am I paying attention if there’s an age mismatch between my face and Chest?

Today we are diving into the chest area, which is also known as cleavage, or decolletage. Then, we will learn all the options available for you.

We know you take good care of yourself, eating healthy, sleeping early (at least trying to…) reading about almost everything available for a healthy life and healthy skin.

It’s impossible to control many things in life. Especially aging and its consequences about gravity if you know what I mean… ☺️

We should pay attention as well to under the jaw line… Meaning neck, chest, hands, legs, feet.

Let’s take a look at what we can do to look great every day!

Understanding first Cleavage Wrinkles

The aging process happens naturally because of a decrease in collagen production and elasticity.

Inevitably, the gravity acts directly when the weight of the breast pulls the chest skin down. In women, looks more intense and it could happen when you tend to sleep on one of the sides of the body.

Good news is that we can balance the age mismatch between face & chest by taking some simple actions.

Here are the things we can do:

Chest Tip

Apply Sunscreen to Prevent Chest Wrinkles

Sun exposure is the number one premature aging factor and women naturally like to use clothes that exposed the chest.

The reality of the matter is that the decolletage is as exposed to sunlight as the face.

So the same care of using sunscreen in the face, should be used on under the jawline.

We definitely can reduce age mismatch between the face & chest, by protecting the skin against UV and HEV light, besides reducing drastically the chances for skin cancer.

Retinol and Glycolic Acid for Cleavage Wrinkles

Yes, it is the way to go, to boost collagen production, and accelerate skin cell turnover. Applying these products in the same routine as used on the face and neck, can promote fair combat for cleavage wrinkles.

No complications needed, they have proved already their benefits and miracles over the years, so it’s not necessary to increase the number of products in your bathroom cabinet. It’s like one product fits all.

These products are known as miraculous as help the total rejuvenation of skin quicker than the natural process, which happens every cicle of about 27 days.

Glycolic Acid and Retinol have a collagen-boosting effect on the process naturally. That’s why the results are visible in 8 weeks.

Not bad if you are looking for long-term results, using the power of the body to rejuvenate itself.

For the price of little more than $100, for the time (8-weeks) and the results, It’s definitely one of the best options available in the market.

Supportive Apparel to Help Cleavage Wrinkles

From woman to woman, we all know, very well, the effects of gravity on our chest and breasts. And at night there are some convenient, comfortable lines of the bra, that we can use to help support our chest.

Smoking and Alcohol are Enemies of Chest Wrinkles.

These two are huge enemies, not only for the chest but for the skin in general, however as we are going to see in detail, the chest doesn’t have as many oil glands, as our face does.

Alcohol dehydrates our body, and the skin is one of the first parts of the body that suffers the most.

In other words, get rid of alcohol and smoking to avoid age mismatch between face & chest.

Other Non-invasive Decolletage Wrinkles Treatment

There are other treatments for decolletage wrinkles, which are, all non-invasive and also have good results.

From natural ways as Aloe Vera to laser treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and injectable treatments.

Let’s have a look in detail at all of these treatments below.

Aloe Vera for Treating Chest Wrinkles

Aloe Vera is definitely a very good option as an excellent preventer for those who resonate with natural ways of taking care of yourself.

It’s definitely the most inexpensive way to lessen signs of aging as it fights free-radicals derived from sun exposure.

Aloe Vera boosts the production of collagen and elastin.

The substance which comes from Aloe Vera, when peeled, and applied directly on the skin, seals it creating natural moisture, which keeps longer the natural healthy look and softness of the skin.

There’s a simple way to use Aloe Vera. Just cut the leaf in half, squeeze the viscous liquid that comes from it directly onto your chest skin, as it is a gel or body cream. If you want to put the viscous liquid into a bowl.

DIY Face Masks for Chest Wrinkles

As seen before, while doing the Face Mask, take advantage of the time and use it on your Neck and Chest as a treatment.

It could be a fun moment as you’re using again nature to helps you to plump your skin.

If you haven’t done this yet and you are part of the tribe that loves nature and DIY, it’s a good try.

It’s very inexpensive and easy to do as you can have the ingredients in your local supermarket.

Learning what every component can do for your skin is incredibly exciting.

Here you can find more details on the elements, which are:

Cucumber, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado, Papaya Yogurt, and Oatmeal to name a few of the most popular ones.

DIY Masks are pretty much the same as you are treating Acne, Rosacea, and Dry Skin.

Water to Plump Skin and balance age mismatch between face & chest

If water is not yet a no-brainer for you, It’s time to make it part of your daily routine.

How many times have you seen a picture of a celebrity, walking on the street, in casual clothes, being a normal human being, and clicked holding a bottle of water?

I bet the most admired and respected ones with the most beautiful skin, have water as their best friend!

Eight to twelve (8-12) glasses of water a day, makes all the difference to your skin. If you do not believe it, try it and see with your own eyes.

Chemical Peels For Treating Chest Wrinkles

Chemical Peels is the process of applying the acidic solution directly to the skin, which accelerates the natural peeling of the skin.

Pelling off your skin induces the natural rejuvenation of the skin, turning into a brand new smoother and softer to the touch.

As we are presenting alternatives to balance the age mismatch between face & chest, it’s fair to mention that Chemical Peels treatment can cost $1,000. Besides some side effects, that sometimes are not welcome.

Such as infection, sensitive skin, kidney, liver damage and some said that temporary or permanent color change may happen.

Microdermabrasion for Cleavage Wrinkles

It is an exfoliation process dermatologists use with micro-fine crystals, or diamond-tipped, shooting the microparticles to the skin and vacuuming them simultaneously.

Acts directly on the chest like a powerful scrub, leaving the skin smooth and radiant immediately as it removes blackheads, and softening fine lines.

It will take more than one or maybe three sessions for you to get the expected results, especially if fine lines and wrinkles are your main goals with microabrasion.

Each session should have seven to fourteen (7-14) days apart for a complete heal.

Important Note: should be supervised by a professional. Each session costs around $100 to $300 depending on the place and active ingredients used.

Are Injectable Treatments Useful for Chest Wrinkles?

It is an invasive treatment, and the most common injection treatments are HA (Hyaluronic Acid) and Collagen, besides the ones with Toxins.

It pretty much works immediately when treating deeper wrinkles.

The main difference from the other skin treatments is instead of removing the skin cells; the injections fill in gaps on the skin right on the layer after collagen breaks down.

That’s why this kind of treatment it is worth when you have muscles involved, such as the face.

Making this kind of injection not useful for treating chest wrinkles. A dermatologist should closely supervise it.

Laser Treatment For Decolletage Wrinkles

Acting pretty much the same as the microdermabrasion, the main difference is the laser beams removing skin layers of your chest.

It is one of the favorite techniques, used primarily in fine lines around the eyes, mouth, or forehead, shallow acne scars.

Not recommended for those with very dark skin or with acne.

It’s always a good idea to consult a doctor, to make sure this is the right treatment for you.

The best candidates for laser skin resurfacing are the ones concerned with fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, or forehead.

Shallow scars from acne, or non-responsive skin after a facelift.

Acne or very dark skin, may not be a good candidate.

This technique is also not recommended for stretch marks.

It is recommended to discuss whether laser resurfacing is right for you by consulting with a doctor before having the procedure done.

Laser treatment for the skin is less invasive compared to other procedures.

And it’s good for you to know that the results do not last long when compared to microdermabrasion and chemical peels.

The cost of a Laser Treatment For Decolletage Wrinkles is something to consider, as the prices are around $2.000.

Like microabrasion sessions, that you need seven to fourteen (7-14) days apart from each session.

Fair mention, that significant visible results do not happen in the first session.

Plastic Surgery for Skin Wrinkle Treatment on Chest

Last but not least of all the treatments to consider, plastic surgery, which is the most invasive for sure and people believe it when the wrinkles are deeper.

One of the most common that takes place is Fat Grafting, where a specialized surgeon, removes fat from another part of the body (abdomen to name one) and injects this removed fat into your cleavage area.

The fat fills up the skin, filling up the deep lines created by the wrinkles.

Plastic surgery for many is the last resource. Not only for budgeting reasons but as the most invasive, time for a full recovery and the number of times of visiting.

Preparation and other steps, including injections, most of the time are not comfortable.

Besides the fact that you got a consider a budget of $6,000 and a schedule to allow a good recovery time.

Final Considerations For Reducing the Age Mismatch between face & chest.

You are free to go now, from natural ways to knives and needles, probably now you have a better understanding of what would be a good alternative for your Chest Wrinkle Treatment.

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